han solo

Last weekend, much of the on-air staff at KVOE Radio had an off-the-cuff discussion which developed into some new, well, developments with the Star Wars franchise. Much has been made about Disney taking things over from LucasFilms, but little has been divulged about exactly what’s to come.

I would like to humbly expand on an idea brought up at our meeting last week: Pair Harrison Ford with Sean Connery — or at least make sure Connery has a significant role in the new movies to come over the next five years or so.

sean connery

The possibilities are close to endless. Can you imagine Connery voicing a droid? Or, perhaps, serving as a Jedi master? Heck, he could even be a mentor to Admiral Ackbar….teaching him to avoid all those traps, I guess.

Personally, I think Connery would be best on the bright side of The Force, although having him as a Dark Sider makes for some interesting role opportunities.

Now, on to the other major science fiction franchise. Star Trek is just about set to roll out Into Darkness, and the hype over Chris Pine’s upcoming battle to save the universe is reaching a fever pitch.

chris pine

There’s good reason for that, too. It seems Capt. Kirk’s headstrongness will get him into all kinds of trouble when the movie debuts next month. But what about what’s next for the series as it moves ever deeper into the recesses of space?

I have an answer: Put Chris Pine up…against Clint Eastwood.

clint eastwood

Talk about the ultimate showdown.  To me, Pine is as perfect as you can get to play Kirk (especially the snarky side of Kirk as opposed to the one who gets ridiculed for his speech patterns), so why not bring the reigning ultimate cowboy to space for a universe-depends-on-the-outcome faceoff? The grinning, egotistical, devil-may-care Kirk against the sneering, laconic villain…and trust me, Eastwood would kill that role if he wants it.

Who would be good to add to the Star Wars or Star Trek movie franchises? This inquiring mind wants to know. Anyways, live long and prosper….and find a way to channel The Force while you’re at it.